About Ravenscraft Jewelry

Welcome to Ravenscraft Jewelry! I am an American living in Munich, Germany, and a self-taught jewelry maker. My handmade jewelry is inspired by all that is magical and mystical, real and surreal, natural and supernatural. I work primarily with crystals, gemstones, and metals. Each piece is uniquely inspired by goddesses, witches, archetypes, nature, as well as magical characters from history, fantasy, film, music, books, and artwork.

My interest in crystals began when I was a child and my aunt worked in a great little crystal shop in Port Jefferson, New York. I loved visiting this store; it felt like a gateway to a magical realm. I was enchanted. I started collecting crystals back then and have continued all my life. I have also loved jewelry for as long as I can remember. The two interests collided after a trip to Mt. Shasta, California. I came home from this trip with a huge bounty of new crystals. I decided that I wanted to wear some of them, so I tried my hand at wire-wrapping.

Before I knew it, I had become obsessed with learning new techniques and creating new jewelry for myself, friends, and family, and I had created well over 70 pieces within the first few months. I decided to begin selling my pieces, and Ravenscraft Jewelry was born.

After having lived all over the United States, I moved to Germany a few years ago. Germany is filled with magical enchantments, in its natural landscape, its architecture, and of course, in its fairytales and lore. There is literally inspiration around every corner here. You can see this in some of my photos below.

All of the jewelry I make is handcrafted by me. My business is a one-woman operation. I fully believe that each piece I create will find its way to the person meant to wear it, and I love seeing my work being worn by other people. I am excited and honored to share my creations with you here. This collection represents the imagery and ideas that excite my soul. I love all that is witchy, mystical, magical, medieval, and enchanted. I want you to feel that magic, too. Thank you for joining me on this unexpected journey.